GM is not allowed :
to sell item
to free give item
to be bias
to help his/her friend : he/she must be fair to all player.
to power level player (if you power level char A, are you going to power level the rest too?)
to give more than +5 items in any event.
to reward control items (such as lvl 200 weapon, set 185 etc)
to give castle gear or GM item base on what ever reason. Those 2 things are exclusive for GM team.
to join any player avoid other player (clan owner) fell not satisfied.
to use their power without [GM] tag. You can report to me (in forum) or GM Expertester regarding this.
to harass or make fun of player...we are here to serve the community.
to show off.
to give items to his/her character (no matter what ever the causes is)
GM have to :
follow event prize scheme as stated in forum.
active, communicative and always wiling to help and server community.